There is One Source

Humans have as many names for Source as we have creation stories.  

  • God
  • Goddess
  • Heavenly Father
  • Holy Mother
  • Source 
  • Shakti
  • Allah
  • Supreme Being
  • Eternal Love
  • Infinite Wisdom
  • Divine One
  • Infinite Flow
  • Higher Power

This is a VERY short list. There are myriad more names for the Infinite, and every one of them is as valid as the next if it speaks to you.  God is genderless and cannot be named.  More to the point, God is every gender and present in every expression of life and Love.  Lord Mother is as good a name as Jesus or Buddha or Artemis or Zeus.  Choose language that resonates and opens your heart.  I interchange the pronouns He and She and use a variety of these common names for the Divine in my writing.

I like the term Source or Source Energy because I am a fan of Esther Hicks, and because I talk often about increasing energy in the lives of my clients.  I like the analogy of a Source of energy that we can plug into, because it is so literally TRUE.

When we connect to the Flow, or Source energy, we plug directly into THEE Source of all Universal energy.  That direct connection powers us up like nothing else can!  We are conduits for Source energy and feel at our BEST when we plug into Source and let that energy of pure Love flow though us into the world.

That having been said, any name that resonates for my client is the name I use in their sessions.  I know that our Divine Mother has no care for what name we call Her by, so long as we call on Her.  So if I use the name God and that feels too patriarchal to you, substitute Goddess, or Divine One, or Infinite Love or any other name you feel in your heart.

Just know that I mean the One Source of all things – the energy that creates planets and holds them infinitely spinning in perfect proximity to one another.

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