Labor Pains

I follow Tosha Silver, author & astrologer.  Recently I heard her say that during this time of Pluto transit, we are being forced to look at what hasn’t been looked at.  Individually and collectively we must burn away what needs to burn.  We are each facing our shadow.  This country is facing it’s shadow.  What no longer works must collapse during a Pluto transit.

Given what is happening right now in our country and our world, even those least inclined to astrology would have to say that seems pretty spot on.  We can feel the energy of it!

Our world is in the midst of change.  The change is a microscope, bringing our world into sharper focus so we can see what truly serves us, and what we need to release to create improved versions of ourselves and our world.  

Awareness is the first step.

If we are going to give birth to more beautiful versions of ourselves and our world, then we must LOOK at what we have not been willing to look at.  Now is the time to look.  Now is the time to listen.  Because to create our most beautiful life, our next more beautiful world, we want to take an accounting of what will grow with us, and what we must now burn away.  If we refuse to look at the darkness within our lives (self-loathing, shame, masked emotions) or within the structures of our society (systemic racism), it will destroy us from within like a cancer.

Allow what needs to go go.  Allow space for what you want to receive..

So many of my clients and friends are going through this right now!  We are clearing out closets, emptying attics, and organizing garages.  We are taking classes, hiring coaches, and deepening practices.  We are getting rid of what no longer serves us, and weighs us down.

Our country is also taking a deeper look at what must collapse, or be burned away.  The systemic racism, and militarized police forces that have emerged from it do not protect, nor serve us.  It must now be removed so that we can ALL grow into our full potential.

To refuse to look at what needs to be looked at, to deny what we see, or to choose to resist the changes that will heal us, is about as beneficial as resisting labor pains.

We cannot give birth to ourselves anew if we resist the pain of giving birth.

The astrology is demanding rebirth.  

Grow on!

What needs to go? 
What shadow have you been unwilling to look at? 
How ready do you feel to root it out to make space for something you desire? 
Are you in a space of personal reflection and change?
Are you in a space of societal reflection and change?
What obstacles might arise on your path of growth? 
What strategies will you use to overcome those obstacles? 
If you’ve been trying to make a change for awhile now, what will you try differently?