I’m a Fucking Navy Brat

I know.  That goes a long way toward explaining my potty mouth, right?

I am so fucking ANGRY, confused, and ashamed for my country right now!

I BELIEVED when I was taught that the United States was FIRST in the world, FIRST to defend honor & do the right thing, FIRST among all the countries in ALL things.  I was so proud growing up knowing I was part of the solution, the chosen.  I was so blessed to be born in the best nation on earth!

In my military family, on a military base surrounded by other military families, I was taught that our commander in chief was above dishonor, and beyond question.  He was our leader and he would NEVER let us down.  I BELIEVED.  Of course I believed.  I was born with immense faith, and my parents loved me and taught me right from wrong.  These ideas were incontrovertible.

But when I was old enough to dare thinking for myself, I could see the varnish wearing thin on the lies I had been spoon fed since birth.

I could see that not all of our peace keeping missions were peace filled.  I could see where we butted in without invitation.  I could see that NOT all Americans were treated equally, and not all American leaders gave a shit about defending honor or doing the right thing, so much as reaping financial profits for themselves and their wealthy friends.

I would no longer drink the Kool aid that said we were a proud defender of the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.  But I did continue to drink the Kool aid that I was powerless to change anything.  I could see that my country’s founding principles were being shit on, I just didn’t think I could do anything to protect those principles when the most powerful people in the world were the ones corrupting and undermining our national morals for power and financial gain.

On January 6, 2021, armed terrorists marched on the capitol of the United States.  I haven’t felt this shocked, appalled, and violated since 9-11.

But the terrorists were being stoked to a frenzy by the hate-filled tweets and social media rants of one Donald J Trump, the same guy who swore to protect and defend our constitution when he took the oath of the highest office in our land.  These were not the peaceful pussy-hat protests of January 2017.  These were NOT the hopeful Black Lives Matter protests of last August.

Unlike peaceful protestors, yesterday’s terrorists brought loaded weapons, threatened lives, destroyed property, and tried to destroy the results of our democratic elections.

I was horrified and sickened as I watched the rampage unfold without interference from the Capitol police who have taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, their state, and the laws of their jurisdiction.  

One hundred fifty nine MILLION of us voted last November.  A few thousand are trying to make it NOT COUNT literally.  And they are being encouraged and supported by the most powerful among us.  

They are encouraged and supported by:
• Capitol police who stood with arms down, and allowed trespass and more.
• 139 members of the House of Representatives (holding office to ‘represent’ the people) who tried to subvert our votes despite the fact that those same ballots put them in office.  
• Eight senators who voted to overturn the votes of millions of Americans.
• The person holding the office of the president of the United States, who rage tweets and spews hate-filled blatant lies meant to divide us and destroy our democracy.

This must not fucking stand.  

We must NOT drink the Kool aid that says “I am powerless and there is nothing I can do.” We are powerful beings and now is the time to choose what we believe. Choosing to believe we are powerless is what they want.  They win when we give them our power.

Do we choose to believe what others tell us to believe?
Election fraud is rampant!  There’s no proof because it’s a conspiracy!  The poor are stealing from you!  YOU need to work for health care, but we get it FREE.  Trump supporters spit vitriol & sedition for months, but then showed up and peacefully protested, while those Black Lives Matter people overran the capitol with guns and white leaders.

Do we choose to believe what we see with our own fucking eyes?
The emperor has gone fucking mad, and is strutting naked in the streets crying how FINE his new clothes are.

Understanding that we are powerful enough to make a difference is a radical act.  Believing we can make positive change is revolutionary.

What do you choose to believe?

What is one small action you can take to move the world in the direction you want it to grow?