Stop and Play in the Sandbox!

I know I have talked about my favorite podcast before, Spiritual Sandbox with Amit West and Jill Lebeau. So at the risk of repeating myself,

What a fucking BRILLIANT podcast!  

Jill and Amit bring so much joy and light to my world!   Their podcast is a gift, and I love playing with them in the Spiritual Sandbox!

Currently they have fourteen episodes to which I listen repeatedly to absorb the joyful vibration and the pure, unconditional love!  It never fails to open my heart and release any stress I was holding. Each and every one of them is my favorite episode, but the newest episode with special guest Karen Drucker might be my most favorite.  Karen is an extraordinary woman who writes and sings songs meant to heal, inspire and empower.

Not only am I adding Karen’s music to my Fabulous Fucking Toolbox, but during the podcast she mentions a tool she uses – the fun file – that I am also adding to my FF Toolbox!  

The episode left me jubilant!  Karen is full of joy and enthusiasm – much like Jill and Amit – and I felt positively giddy as I scrolled Karen’s website downloading her musical affirmations. I quickly had several of the catchy tunes lodged neatly in my brain. I found Money is Coming to Me, Gifts of the Goddess and I Give Myself Permission to be particularly catchy. I felt joyful dancing around my living room!

Karen writes music to inspire a positive vibration.  She creates beautiful positive affirmations set to inspiring rhythms and I absolutely adore all of it!  Karen talked about writing a song for a friend undergoing treatment for cancer, called Healed, Whole, and Healthy.  Her intention was for her friend to listen to the song as a vibrational healing tool while getting her physical treatments. “Like putting a double whammy on the disease,” she said. I love this idea!

We receive so much negative messaging throughout our day, Karen’s songs shift that messaging back toward love, back toward the Divine in each of us.  Her chants help us reframe the messages in our head that want us to believe we are not enough, the voice that tells us to play small, and fear the unknown.

As an energy coach, reframing is my favorite tool. Karen’s music takes that tool to astounding new heights!  If you’re looking for a really fun way to lift your vibe on a daily basis, I highly recommend all of her chant CD’s.  You can also purchase collections like healing or prosperity if you want to focus on a particular manifestation.

Grow on!

What are you doing every day to raise your vibration?
Try playing in the Spiritual Sandbox and see if that feels like fun to you!
Listen to Karen Drucker on YouTube or her website and see if you don’t feel deeply happy and inspired!

Deprivation or Liberation?

Disclaimer: I am not endorsing any cleanse for anyone.  Should you choose to undertake a cleanse of any kind, I highly recommend that you speak with your naturopath or other trusted health-care provider to discuss what’s right for you.

I am preparing to do a cleanse.

To a lot of people this may sound frightening, uncomfortable, or possibly unfamiliar.  What does it even mean to do a cleanse?  There are myriad cleanses out there and I have tried a few.  In the simplest terms, doing a cleanse just means eating clean, or cleaner than what is ‘normal’ for you, for a specific amount of time.  For some people a cleanse might be eliminating one, or a few foods.  Some cleanses are bottled and branded, and come with meal-replacement shakes and all kinds of supplements.  The Elimination Diet is a fairly common cleanse that can be safely used over several weeks or months to identify problem foods specific to each person.

One of my personal favorites is the Liver Rescue Cleanse (LRC) from Anthony William.  I’ve done it four times previously at various times of year and it always leaves me feeling lean and energized.  Maybe my liver needs a little extra TLC because I drank like a sailor through my twenties and thirties.  Or maybe my liver is sluggish from eating a lot of high fat foods.  Whatever the reason, each time I do this cleanse, I walk away feeling fantastic.  It works for my body.  

Anthony wrote two full books on this cleanse, so I won’t try to explain it.  I will say that over nine days I eat unlimited quantities of a very restricted variety of foods.  Unlimited quantities.  I eat as much as I want of what’s on the menu, but there’s not much on the menu – mostly produce, no starches or fats after the third day.  Anthony has prescribed specific foods that are healing for the liver.  The nine days allows the liver to release some of the toxins it’s been holding onto for awhile.

I have seen improvement in immunity and digestion, as well as cleared up rashes, eliminated night sweats, reduced inflammation and lost weight.  But even after I describe all of these highly desirable affects, invariably someone will ask how I can put myself through this kind of deprivation.  

That’s easy.  I don’t see it as deprivation.  Quite the opposite, it’s my liberation.  I am liberated from making decisions about food for at least nine days.  I am liberated from cravings for depleting foods.  I am liberated from excess calories.  I am liberated from the inflammation and extra weight.  I feel powerful when I align myself with eating that is meant to optimize my health.  And by the end of the cleanse I am reminded that I can thrive on far fewer calories than I normally feed myself.  And I feel lean and powerful! What better incentive could I possibly have?

It’s like pushing the reset button on my appetite and taste buds!

Someone might go on to ask, “But isn’t it hard to eat such limited foods for nine days?”  I like to see challenges as opportunities to rise to my full potential.  I want to come through for me!  I deserve a healthy, good-feeling body, and I want to feel leaner and healthier.  

Google image

Nine days is really not that long!  If there is a particular food that someone thinks would be unbearable to do without for 9 days, it’s highly likely that food needs to be looked at for sensitivities.  Studies have shown that people often crave foods to which they are allergic.

I’m not trying to convince anyone to go on a cleanse.  I’m just illustrating that we get to choose how we see EVERYTHING.

If you WANT the benefits of a cleanse, but have hesitated due to fear of deprivation, let me assure you that if you focus on feeling deprived, you will feel deprived! It’s easy to feel miserable if we obsess on what we’re missing.  Or we can focus on the goal, one day at a time, and find liberation from our trepidation, and so much more.

Additional Resources

If you are interested in learning more about the Liver Rescue Cleanse, I encourage you to check out Anthony William’s website HERE.  You can also find most of his six books at your local library or bookstore.

In 2019, I lead a support group for fifteen people as we undertook the LRC together.  It was really fun to watch others find their balance moving through this path to liberation. 

All of the grocery lists and support videos that I produced for my Liver Rescue Cleanse Support Group are available at THIS link

Do not attempt to undertake this cleanse without thoroughly reading the entire Liver Rescue Cleanse book. Anthony’s book is full of information and support to inspire, soothe, and heal you throughout each phase of the cleanse.

Deprived or Energized?

“I’m going to feel deprived!”  

That is one of the limiting beliefs that held me back for years from reaching my health goals.  I was convinced I would feel deprived if I didn’t eat pizza, or delicious baked goods and sugary treats.  For years I would say I wanted to eat healthier foods, but in my heart I didn’t WANT to lose my favorites!  The problem with some of those favorites is that once I started eating them I wouldn’t stop until they were gone.  If the supply was large enough, I would binge on the cookies or fudge or other yummy treats. 

But after a binge, I always felt deprived of my energy, and powerless. – like some other power possessed me and MADE me eat those cookies.

When health issues forced me to to abstain from certain foods altogether, I was sure I would feel deprived forever.  But once I stopped eating the foods to which I had been giving my power, an intriguing thing happened.  I didn’t feel deprived or hungry.  I felt satisfied, powerful, and more confident in my body.

I became more energized.  I am physically more energized because
I choose nourishing foods instead of depleting ones, but I am also more energized because I am not draining my energy wondering, “Why can’t I control myself? Why can’t I reach my health goals? What is wrong with me?”  Anyone familiar with this cycle knows how draining it can be.  It depletes one’s energy and erodes the confidence.

I have confidence that I can thrive on a lot less food than I used to eat. 
I have confidence that high-nutrition food can be delicious and satisfying.  I have confidence that I can make important changes in my health and well-being, and I am enthusiastic about feeling healthier and stronger!

I kept telling myself that if I made changes in my eating to improve my health I would feel deprived.  That belief held me back for a long time, but no more!

I’m going to feel energized!

Every time I choose to eat for optimal health, I feel energized and empowered.  Every time I choose to eat for optimal health, I am choosing unconditional love.  Every time I choose to eat for optimal health, I feel energized by my choice!

Grow on!

What’s keeping you from reaching your health goals? 
What do you believe about your health goals? 
Are those beliefs moving you toward your goals or keeping you from them? 
What will change for you when you shift limiting beliefs into inspiring beliefs? 
What is it you’re ready to change?

Count Your Fucking Blessings

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I recently saw a friend that I hadn’t seen since COVID began.  She told me about some homeowner challenges she faced, and about the anxiety that arose around the subject of her home.  It had her thinking maybe she should sell while the market is high, after all it might be worth more right now than it ever will be again.  She described feeling stuck in her energy, and being unmotivated.

Then she said something so simple, so wise, so profound:

“I chose to see the house as a blessing instead of a burden, and everything shifted.”

Her stuck energy unstuck.  She started creating art again.  She’s manifesting new opportunities for connections and finances.  She feels lighter and happier.  All because she chose to see the house – and ALL the challenges it presents – as blessings, and part of her learning adventure.  She listed all the things she loves about her home, and all the ways it inspires her creativity.  She even realized that she had fun learning about the home repairs as they happened.

One decision changed everything.  She chose to count her fucking blessings, and she is an inspiration for all of us who know her.

In the same week, I had a wonderful conversation with a client who described growing into a “lens of gratitude.”  She told me that often she finds herself shifting from the old story of “not enough” to a new appreciation for seeing things with gratitude.  I love that phrase!  Choosing to look through a “lens of gratitude” reminds us that shifting mindset can be as easy as putting on a new set of glasses.

What will shift for me when I look through my lens of gratitude instead of a lens of criticism, or fear?

Both these women reminded me of the tremendous value in simply counting my fucking blessings! 

My lungs inflate and bring oxygen to my blood without me ever thinking about it!  What a blessing.  The sun came up – HUGE blessing!  Mortgage to pay?  I feel so blessed to have a roof over my head.  Flowers, blue sky, rain, my pets! The list of things and people which I appreciate is infinite!

And because energy attracts like energy, the more we look for and focus on what we appreciate, the more people and situations the Universe brings us to appreciate!

Celebrate Thanksgiving by feeling truly thankful. If you feel inspired, take a few minutes and make a list. Mental lists are great, but writing it down boosts our gratitude energy!

It’s simple and free, and feels really REALLY great!

Grow on!

This is the BEST recipe for the holiday season and every day!

Ingredients: ANY possible combination of the following (or others):

  • frustration
  • irritation
  • resentments
  • stressful situations
  • annoying relatives

Count your fucking blessings.
When you become aware that these ingredients have been mixed into your day, stop, breathe, and count your fucking blessings.  If you are open to it, make a gratitude list about the person/situation you are encountering. If you’re just not ready to make a gratitude list about whoever is pushing your buttons, make a gratitude list about all the OTHER stuff you have to appreciate like running hot water, your cat, and the miracle of your lungs.

Be Selfish in Service of Others

Most of my clients live to serve others.  Nurses, parents, teachers, supervisors, business owners.  All of these people have a lot of things they want and need to do, but doing what WE need or want is often at the bottom of our to-do list, AFTER all the stuff we do for others. 
It’s human nature!  It’s the way we have been conditioned.

Why do my workout when I can fold the laundry in service of the household, or cover a shift for a busy co-worker? Why take time to meditate when there are so MANY things on my to-do list?  It seems so selfish to rest when I could help a friend instead.

If any of these thoughts resonate for you, you may feel exhausted a lot of the time.  Many of my clients tell me they feel selfish when they take time for themselves, or that they simply do NOT have time to do things that they want to do because they are too busy.

Is a cell phone selfish for needing to be charged?  
Is a toddler selfish for napping?  

Of course not.  We know that the charging and napping are a natural part of the cycle for the phone and the toddler.  It’s the same with us!  

In serving our own needs, we are not being selfish. 
We are completing the cycle.

We can’t just give and give and never fill ourselves back up. 

When we try, we get sick.  We get symptoms of stress.  We feel resentful towards others.  We may overeat in an attempt to soothe our emotions.  If any of this sounds familiar, you are not alone.  If someone you love comes to you and tells you she has no time to do the thing she loves to do, what advice would you give to her?  Most of us would encourage them to do THAT, to make time for it because we can see how important it is for them.

What fills YOU up?  

If you are not sure, think about things you USED to do that made you feel engaged, creative, excited, or happy.  If you enjoyed dance classes in your youth, maybe there is a local class to join, or maybe you can put music on in your living room and just move your body.  What’s stopping you?  If we’re too tired, maybe we need a rest day, or maybe our battery needs charging.  In the latter case dancing will increase our energy, not deplete it!

Many of us need to take a rest day.  When was your last day off that wasn’t full of errands and housework?  Allow yourself to schedule a day (or an hour) where you actually rest!  Take a nap.  Try restorative yoga. Sit and watch the sunlight sparkle on water.  Try just being instead of doing for a little while. 

Figure out what feeds your soul, and feed it daily.  Or at least weekly.  Maybe once in a while?

The more we charge our batteries, the more energy we have for any cause we want to serve.  It sounds SO simple, yet most of us resist it because our culture has conditioned us to resist it, to keep moving, keep producing.  

Society wants us to prove our worth through action, but we are worthy because we exist.  Once we accept our worth, it becomes vastly easier to see the value in giving ourselves whatever we need to thrive. 

Grow on!

What do you need right now?
How soon can you fit it into your schedule?

Ask Yourself this Important Question

Several times a day, I hear my partner ask our dog, “What do you need?”  Each time telepathy relays the answer and a walk ensues, or lunch, or a rousing game of squeaky ball.  I’m only human, so I started to feel a little resentful toward the dog, and wondered who was looking attentively after my needs.  

Well whose job is that?  (Hint: It’s not my partner’s, and when that’s what I think, I become resentful.)

After a little coaching, I remembered that it’s mine.  It’s my job to be sure my needs are being met.  So I started asking myself,

What do I need right now?

It’s incredible what a difference that little question makes!  Not only are more of my needs being met, but I feel genuinely cared for and supported! 

Crazy, right?

Eighty percent of the time the answer is water, so I hydrate.  Often I just need a few minutes to catch my breath, so I allow myself to sit and breathe.  Can you imagine?! When I need to catch my breath, I just sit and breathe for two minutes instead of feeling frustrated, and resentful that my needs are not being met, as I rush off to do whatever comes next.

It seems so simple, yet how often do we do it?  How often are we checking in with what we need in this moment?  The answer for most of us is not very often because our culture conditions us to think of that as being selfish, and regularly encourages us to put other’s needs before our own.

What we NEED shifts moment to moment and day to day, so it’s not going to be the same every time you ask/answer the question.  And what we need is not always the same as what we want.  We might want coffee to get us through the afternoon at work, but if we ask what we truly need and genuinely listen for the answer, we may find we need a twenty-minute nap, or a ten-minute walk outside, or a cup of herbal tea, or electrolytes.

What would it be like if we asked ourself this question once a day? Twice a day? All day long?  What changes when we ask the question before reaching for a processed snack food?  What will shift if we ask the question all week?

It’s possible we’ll feel more cared for and supported.  It’s possible we’ll feel happier and more relaxed.  We might even have more energy to give to the people and projects we’re passionate about.  Truly tuning in to our body’s needs will reveal deeper wisdom that might be the key to finally reaching our ideal weight.  We won’t know the vast extent of what’s possible until we try!

Grow on!

Ask yourself, “What do I need right now?”

If it’s something simple like rest, water, or a bathroom break, give that to yourself! If it’s something bigger like a new career, you can ask, “what steps do I need to take right now to move in that direction?”

Coaching can help!

I offer the first TWO coaching sessions free of charge so you can see if coaching is right for you, and also see if I’m the right coach for you!  If we’re not a good match, I have a long list of peers to whom I can refer you.  You’ll walk away with at least one action step to move you toward your goal, so you have nothing to lose!  Book your first session HERE.

Release Travel Anxiety

Travel anxiety is no longer a part of my story.

Travel anxiety was about being unsure, uncertain. There was an unheard voice telling me about ALL the things that could go wrong!
An unheard voice telling me that I will be alone and unable to handle whatever challenges come up.

But how fucking true is that?

Not at all! It’s not even a little bit true! Isn’t it interesting that I’ve always associated travel with anxiety? I love exploring new places and taking photos of coastlines, waterfalls and ancient cities that I have never seen before! But somehow I convinced myself that “getting there” (the ‘travel’ part of traveling) was fraught with danger, delays, mishaps and challenges.

Maybe it stems from the anxiety that my mother MUST have felt the first time I flew. I was six months old. My sister was two, and my mother traveled from Spain to Iowa with both of us, by herself, to attend her father’s funeral. Her stress level must have been palpable to an infant open to all the energies of the Universe, especially to her mother’s. 

Maybe it stems from the time I was stranded in Chicago when I was eighteen and felt so utterly alone and powerless to help myself. Perhaps it stems from anxiety that has nothing to do with travel at all.  Where it came from is not important. 

Releasing the old story full of anxiety is crucial. By writing a new tale of thrilling adventure and ecstatic joy, I avoid the anxiety I experienced around traveling in the past.

My New Story

I feel so COMFORTABLE on any airplane!  I am able to relax and sleep in any airline seat.  The Universe handles all the connections with ease, and my job is to relax and enjoy the FUN interactions with people along the way!  My experience includes friendly people, helpful airline staff, upgrades for no reason, fine food, and fluffy white pillows in a bright blue sky!

I look for reasons to smile, and find them everywhere.  I look for interesting photos and snap them up wherever our feet take us. 
We experience only high quality foods that amaze and delight us whenever we travel!  We even find amazing food in airports at whatever hour we are there. 

Money exchange is easy and becomes second nature, just like booking ferry and train tickets in Europe.  We explore everything we want to see and have energy to spare!  We find undreamed marvels, and peaceful scenery down roads taken on intuition alone.  We enjoy scheduled adventures, and also discover unexpected pleasures and treasured memories that elevate our vibration for decades!

I am married to amazement. 

I am present, and enjoy every single moment.  The rhythm of the airport thrills me.  I feel joy and easy excitement.  I know that I have all the skill and knowledge required to handle anything that comes our way.  I know that I don’t have to handle any of it alone, because the Universe loves and supports me always.  Whatever we need always flows to us.  I can relax into faith.  Faith in myself.  Faith that the Universe always has my back.  Faith that kind, helpful people will be sprinkled liberally (by my angels) throughout the travels we have planned.

Every face I see is the face of the Universe. 
The face of God/Mother Goddess.  Source.  Great Spirit. 

Each and every person we meet is a face of the ever-supportive,
fun & playful Universe – thrilled to have my back and flow to me any little thing I need.

If something does not go as planned, it’s not a mistake!  It simply means the Universe has a better plan!  I’ve made a LOT of plans for our travels because I adore planning.  I savor the planning as a really fun way to manifest travel adventures, and to milk the excitement for much longer than the trip actually lasts.  But I am not attached to my plans. 

I am open to the guidance from the Universe that flows through my intuition.  I won’t experience sadness if we don’t do something, or feel like we missed out.  I will relish the opportunity to do something different instead, or nothing at all. 

When I am present in the moment, I miss nothing!

I surrender the entire plan to the all-knowing Universe now.  My only plan is to enjoy the unfolding, to be present, and savor each moment.  Each and every moment is a gift to be opened in amazement!  Even in the airports.  Even on the airplane.  Waiting in line for the ferry.  All of it is a rich, delicious experience of which I intend to savor every beautiful, satisfying, vibe-raising moment.

I fucking LOVE travel.

Grow on!

What stories are you telling yourself that decrease your enjoyment?
How true is that story?
How would you LIKE to write the story?

Raise the Fucking Vibe

When we struggle, we sometimes forget to reach for the tools that help us most. Example: We plan to go to yoga after work, but we have a challenging day and decide to sit on the couch and eat junk food instead of doing the yoga thing. Very NORMAL human behavior. But how helpful is it?

Yoga helps us relax and release stress. It raises our vibration. Eating on the couch actually depresses our energy (sugar and wheat do that, as do other types of junk foods). Our energy goes to an even lower vibration if we decide to beat ourselves up for eating the junk food instead of going to yoga.

All of my blog posts – EVERY tool that I offer, every growth-inducing question I pose – are designed to help YOU identify what raises your vibe.

Vibe-Raising Tools

FIND them. Make a list of ones that work for you. Use them every day, but especially when you don’t want to!

Spiritual Sandbox

I know I have recommended this one before, but it raised my vibration so HIGH this morning, I decided maybe someone needed the reminder that Jill Lebeau and Amit West have a podcast that will blow your mind and open your heart.

The Essentials of Trust was the episode that spoke to me today.

Grow on!

Click the link to my toolbox, check out the tools that interest you, and keep the ones that raise your fucking vibe!
Cyndi’s Toolbox

Freeing Ourselves from Fear

Fear is a learned behavior, and one that humans practice ceaselessly.  The more we practice fear, the more anxious, insecure, and fearful we feel.  The more anxious, insecure, and fearful we feel, the more willing we are to buy whatever makes us feel safer, or more secure. The more anxious, insecure, and fearful we feel, the more willing we are to give up pieces of our freedom to feel safer, or more secure.

Can we ever be truly free when living in fear? 
Feel free to disagree, but I don’t think so.

The good news is that fear is a learned behavior!  

If we learned it, we can unlearn it.  We learned fear through repetition of fear-filled, worrisome thoughts.  We can learn faith, and feel more calm, through repetition of calming thoughts that build faith – not religious faith, but faith in yourself.  Faith that no matter what else happens, at least you can control your own energy, your own response to circumstances.

Now, there is no blog post anywhere that will move you from fear to faith, because like fear, faith requires daily practice over time.  That practice will take many different forms for different people, but one of the best ways I have observed is practicing affirmations.

Create or adopt positive statements you believe and repeat them frequently when it feels good to do so.  If the affirmation does not feel good when you say it, it’s not the right affirmation for your situation.

Affirmations are a simple tool that help millions of people feel better.

Guidelines for selecting or creating affirmations that work:

It must feel true.
Keep it simple.
Repeat it frequently
– as often as you remember it and it feels good.
Write it down and read it frequently. You may notice that I like to put my on pretty photos because the photos also help raise my vibe, but sticky notes around the house can be equally effective!

When you become aware that you are experiencing doubt, or fearful thoughts, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that nothing has gone wrong, your mind has simply reverted to the old practice and that’s to be expected!  With more practice of positive-feeling affirmations, the fear and anxiety visit less and less frequently.

Freeing our minds from fear will take more than one tool, more than just affirmations. But affirmations feel good, they’re free, and it’s a really easy first step for lots of people.

Grow on!

What affirmation will help you move from where you are to where you would love to be?
Here is a short list of links to long lists of affirmations to get you started:

Prosperity & Abundance
Health & Wellness
Raise the Vibe
Inspired by Abraham
Inspired by Florence Scovel Shinn

Another Fucking Golden Opportunity

2020 ~ What a shit show!

It’s time to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and put that beast in our rear view mirror.  But before we put this bitch to bed, let’s remember that each of the challenges presented to us is another fucking golden opportunity (AFGO*) to expand our awareness (LEARN something).  The more aware we become, the happier and more confident we feel, so we want to harvest these opportunities and not just run away as fast as the new calendar will carry us.

I challenge you to take stock of what happened for you this year.

Make a list of the golden fucking opportunities life handed you in 2020, and remind yourself what you have learned, what strengths you uncovered, and what energy you want to carry into 2021 with you.

2020 seemed like one long string of AFGOs. Am I right?

My partner got a cancer diagnosis.  It’s curable and not for one minute did I experience any fear of losing him because my intuition is powerful and told me I would not lose him.  However, I was unprepared for all the ways my life would change.  Had you asked me six months ago if my relationship were codependent I would have laughed at you.  I am FAR to independent for that shit.  Or so I thought.

As it turns out, I depend on him for FAR more than I realized or was willing to admit.  He does a million little things (that I appreciate IMMENSELY) that allow me my independence.  His innumerable contributions allow me the freedom to “single-handedly” run three businesses, stay active, eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest, live in a fairly neat home, and enjoy the companionship of the magnificent Captain Boscoe P. Jenkins who apparently does NOT walk, nor feed himself. Who knew?

AFGO for me in this was to move past some VERY limiting beliefs.

I had been telling myself, “Without him cooking for me, I don’t have time to eat healthy!”  That belief opens the door to fast food, allergy foods, and eating habits that deplete my energy. 

Due to the eating challenges presented by chemotherapy, we now have foods in the house that we do not normally buy.  The myth of “not enough time” allows me to choose fast & easy over lovingly-prepared & healthy.  If I am making a grilled cheese sammich because it sounds appetizing to him, why not save time and just eat one myself? (Because you are allergic to wheat and dairy, Cyndi!)  He needs more support right now and I am delighted to be able to support him!  So who has time to support me too?

But do I want my health to be dependent on him being here to cook nutritious meals for me?  Do I want my health to be dependent on what’s fast and easy?

Nope.  I sure don’t.  So even though the day is coming when he will be cooking healthy, nutritious, delicious, amazing meals again for us – right now, I need to have my own back.  So I have been spending less time blogging, and more time cooking for us.  I choose to make two different meals when needed, even if it means something else goes undone.

My new mantra for 2021?

I intend to align my energy with my own healthy intentions first and allow the rest to fall into place. I’m putting health first!

How about you?  If you feel like sharing the biggest challenge you transformed into opportunity, or your biggest gift from 2020, I would LOVE to hear about it! Leave it in the comments or email

Grow on!

Make a list of all your fucking golden opportunities in 2020.
Then identify the gift in each AFGO!  
What did you learn about yourself?
How will you use those insights growing forward?

*My appreciation to my coach, Jill Lebeau for the acronym AFGO or Another Fucking Golden Opportunity.