Inner Voice or Inner Critic?

Your inner voice will never steer you wrong.

That’s how you know if it’s Inner Voice or inner critic talking.  When your inner voice speaks, the message resonates and feels good.  When the inner critic speaks, we feel icky, doubtful or anxious.  Messages from the inner critic often manifest in the body as a knot in the solar plexus, or a twist in your tummy that can make you feel queasy or nauseous. 

Messages from your inner voice never feel bad, and often leave us feeling buoyant or hopeful, because your inner voice comes from Source energy, your source, the source of ALL things (some people like the name God).  Inner voice is connected to infinite wisdom and eternal Truth.  Inner voice knows the longing in your heart and is always guiding you toward it.  Inner voice is your authentic self, your true nature. Inner voice speaks in new ideas and intuitive insights.

By regularly practicing seeing things through the viewpoint of Source, we are better able to HEAR our authentic inner voice when the inner critic is trying to drown it out.

Inner voice says, “Take the risk! Get out there and live your dreams!” And inner critic is on the other shoulder saying, “Play it safe! Don’t get hurt! Remember that time we risked it all and how MUCH it hurt?”

Source knows you are capable and worthy in every situation. 

When we think thoughts that oppose this viewpoint, it splits our energy and drains us.

On the other hand, reminding yourself on a daily basis that you are capable and worthy in every situation helps you hear the inner voice more clearly. When we practice thinking like Source thinks, we draw our own power around us like a cloak of invincibility. Practicing the point of view of Source helps us more clearly know our own true desires. 

When chaos reigns around us, we will hear the messages that we have practiced most frequently.  If we have practiced thinking like inner critic, then chaos means things have gone wrong, or the situation is bad, and we are probably powerless to change anything or help anyone.

If we practice thinking like Source, then when chaos reigns we keep our balance.  We are not tossed about like a cork on a raging sea, because our inner voice reminds us that we are powerful beings who have weathered storms before, that we have resources at our disposal, and that we can find the answers even if we don’t have them right NOW.  We understand that every situation has a purpose, and is an opportunity for self-growth.

If THAT is the voice you want to access under stress, that is the voice you must practice listening to every day!

HOW do I practice the vibration of my inner voice?

One of the best ways I know to practice thinking like the inner voice that comes from Source is to find affirmations that RESONATE for me. Now you can’t just swap a practiced thought like “I NEVER have enough money,” into “I am rich beyond my wildest dreams!” and have it resonate because the vibrations don’t match.  Start where you are and build to where you want to be.  Because you really WANT “I am rich beyond my wildest dreams,” to resonate for you, right?  Of course!  We all do.  But start with small shifts, like this: I am open to receive floods of financial abundance with ease.

Or start simpler: The universe is abundant in nature.  Find one that resonates (or two or three at most) and practice it every day.  Allow that to become your vibrational set point.  Then find new affirmations that resonate and shift your vibration further upward.

Sometimes affirmations need training wheels while we practice new thoughts!

If for the last few years your mantra has been, “I hate to go to the gym,” then switching to “I love going to the gym,” is going to be too big a leap for your mind to buy into all at once.  In this case, apply some training wheels: Why is it so fun and easy to go to the gym?  See what we did there?  We didn’t say it was fun and easy, we asked, “why is it?”

The mind will accept the question, and if you practice that mantra – and you practice setting an intention to go work out and then follow through – eventually your vibration will shift and you will feel differently, and you can change the affirmation.  Using the same example, the next step might be something like, “I enjoy feeling stronger and lighter when I go to the gym.”

Life is a process.  So is changing your thought patterns. Shifting your vibration upwards is KEY to hearing your inner voice over your inner critic, because for MOST of us, the inner critic has had more practice! 

Grow on!

What does your inner critic say?  How does that make you feel?
What thought resonates that helps you begin to tell a better story?
What thoughts can you choose that allow you to feel better right now?

This type of thought work or vibrational shifting is vital for growing our awareness. In my next blog post, I talk about what to do when the inner critic drowns out the inner voice.