Fruit Fear

Aloha Everyone!

Jeremy and I are in Hawaii this week and I am LOVING all the fresh fruit! This is our third day and we’ve hit two farmers’ markets so far, with plans to hit at least two more!

I have heard more than one client say that they avoid fruit because it so high in sugar, to which I always reply,

Hold on a minute!

The sugar in fruit comes packaged with fiber, vitamins, and micronutrients VITAL to our well-being! We actually hurt our health if we avoid fruit.

I can’t explain it nearly as well as my food guru, Anthony William. He’s already written a highly informative blog complete with a 60 minute recording of his radio show, and since I am on vacation enjoying lots of beautiful fresh fruits, I’ll send you over to grow your wisdom on Anthony’s blog this morning.

Click here forAnthony’s blog about the importance of eating fruit!
