Happiness is a Choice

Don’t believe me?  Then you will forever be at the mercy of the whims of the world and whatever they throw at you to set your mood for you.

I believe that happiness is a choice, and I choose happiness every day.  Some days it’s easier to make that choice, no doubt!  Last week when Bekkie and I went to the beach?  Happiness galore!!  Sunshine, crashing surf, sea breezes, healthy food, reliable transportation, and GREAT company all added up to FUN and joy that seeped into my bones, charged my batteries and left me raring to go!

Easy choice.  Happy!

Tuesday I also chose happiness – not as easy, but even more necessary.  I awoke early as usual, felt great, had coffee, and then stood by helplessly as my back went out and crushed my paycheck for the day (for the week, it turns out, maybe more…).  At 7am I called the chiropractor.  She called me back and got me in at 8am.  I managed to get myself across town, though my car was making a very interesting noise that made me think it might join my back in letting go of it’s worldly responsibilities.

My chiropractor did the best she could with an activator and duct tape, and I felt better, but left knowing that I would not be able to give a massage for at least a few days.  On the way home, Lilu, my Chevy Impala, started doing this other interesting thing; after stopping at stop signs it no longer wanted to move forward.  I broke into a cold sweat and my stomach knotted itself into a scarf.

(This is the part where I choose fear, but don’t worry!  Happiness prevails, keep reading!)

My mechanic is closer than my house, so I gently and slowly inched across town, trying not to stop completely because it seemed to be having trouble getting into 1st gear.  When I got to the shop I pulled around with the intention of backing into an empty spot, only to find when I put it in reverse NOTHING happened.  I put her in drive and she didn’t like it.  She hesitated and balked, but finally inched forward off the street, though not parked legally.  I was visibly shaking.

He didn’t have to tell me the transmission was shot.  I can’t even change my own oil and I knew that much.  I sat in the waiting room and took some long deep breaths.

Shifting your breathing is a superpower!  Did you know that?  My joy guru, Jill Lebeau taught me that, and it’s a lesson for which I am tremendously grateful.  So I just breathed while my car guy told me the transmission was shot and a new one costs about twice what I currently have in my piggy bank.  They were giving me a ride home when I started my gratitude list.

  • The mechanic’s car has seat heaters that felt amazing on my throbbing back.
  • The sun was shining and it was going to be a gorgeous day.
  • Lilu didn’t die in Bodega Bay last Thursday and leave Bekkie and I stranded and unable to get Bekkie to work on time.  
  • Lilu died right in front of the only place it was actually convenient and I didn’t have to pay to tow her there.  
  • It happened on the same day that I got my IRS refund.  I had planned to pay bills with my refund, but I did HAVE the money on that day. 
  • He can repair the car and get it back to me by the weekend, Monday at the latest.
  • My back pain is keeping me from my massage practice, but my coaching practice continues!  
  • Last year when I had these same back issues, I had no clear vision of what I would do for income if my body finally said, “NO MORE massage!”  Now I know what my next career is, I am already transitioning, and adding some income from the new source.  That is a BIG chunk of gratitude right there!
  • Lilu died on the same day that my back went out again, so that’s a clear sign from the Universe to STOP and slow down a minute; focus on what’s important.

What is important is my health, and while I have been pretty good about cleaning up my eating, I have not been GREAT.  I can do better and when I do better, the inflammation will cease to create and exacerbate the myriad health issues that continue to challenge me create opportunities for my personal growth.  I had been ‘too busy’ with work to focus on my meal plans, my cardio, my self-care.  So the Universe took matters in Her own hands and slowed me down for a gentle reminder to take care of me first.

Time to let go of what’s holding me back and release the last of the foods that I have been wanting to remove from my body for health’s sake.  No one is telling me I ‘should’ make these changes.  I want better health.  I want to feel energized every day in every way.  My coach and I are moving me toward my ideal goals one baby step at a time and I feel powerful in my choices for better health!

  • So I appreciate the time off to focus on health, and growth, and joy.
  • I appreciate my clients who are always so gracious and understanding when I call to reschedule them.
  • I appreciate my mechanic for getting the job done so quickly.
  • I appreciate the timing of the whole situation, which unfolded with ease.
  • I appreciate that I can choose happiness no matter what’s going on in the world around me.

So – How do you choose happiness (or at least a sense of calm) when chaos is raining down around you? One of my wonderful coaching clients posed this very question to me yesterday.

I look forward to sharing my answer with you in my next post!

Create a happy day!

Here’s a little rant from Abraham and Esther Hicks to set you off in the right direction.

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