What’s your Why?
Why do you want to do the things that you want to do? If you don’t know the answer to this question, chances are your motivation is pretty low.
Having a deep, powerful why is a monumental motivator!
Want to motivate others? Help them connect to their why!
Want to motivate yourself? Ask yourself WHY you want to do this thing for which you seek motivation.
I hear some of you say, “I don’t WANT to do it, I HAVE to do it.”
That’s why you have no motivation!
If we feel forced to do something we don’t want to do, of course we don’t feel inspired to jump right in and do our best! Have you ever noticed that getting out of bed to go to a job you’re not thrilled about can be a real challenge? Conversely, how challenging is it to get up on the first day of vacation? Easy, right?! When we want to do it, we’re inspired to action!
So what will it take to shift “have to” into “want to”?
There are often things that feel like we “have to” (NEED to) do them – as if we have no choice. But we DO have a choice. Always. Sometimes we have a choice about what actions we can take, and sometimes our choice lies in how we perceive what we are doing. It’s the second set I want to discuss today.
Two Easily-Relatable Examples
Work Scenario –
I have to go to work because I have debt and DREAMS! I NEED money, so I am forced to spend my time in this way that I do not want!
Health Scenario –
I have to lose weight. I don’t like how my body looks. I’m unhealthy. My doctor says I have to give up foods that I love and work my body harder, and I just don’t want to!
All of the thoughts in each scenario point in the direction of unwanted. They push against. These are energy draining thoughts, and most of us FEEL our energy drain just reading them. Who wants to LIVE them? If this is how our thoughts feel around any subject, we will NOT be motivated by them. We might find ways to buffer our feelings and just put up with the crappy job. We can certainly create plans with action steps that could lead us to our health goals. But if the whole thing feels like it’s being forced on us, then we are powerless to create sustainable change.
We want to be at choice.
Choice empowers us. How can we choose to reframe the above thoughts so they are serving and motivating us instead of draining us? There are as many possibilities as there are people. It’s going to be different for each of us, but here are some possibilities to consider:
Work Scenario –
I have a steady source of income. I am moving toward my goals. I’m paying off debt. I’m saving for my future, getting closer to my dreams. This position is a blessing, and a stepping stone on my path to the next position that suits me better and checks off more of my boxes. I am content that I have this place to stand where I can see my dreams moving toward me, and I can choose to be delighted that I feel my dreams moving closer. I choose to spend some of my time earning money, and make the MOST of the rest of my hours by finding things that lift my vibration and allow me to enjoy each day of my life! This is not where I end up, this is the middle of my story, and so much MORE is flowing to me now!
Health Scenario –
I want to feel healthy & energized. I want to feel confident in my skin. I want to trust myself & the choices I make. I can make small adjustments that bring steady improvement. I want steady improvements. I want to move in the direction my goals. I want to learn what foods truly serve my greater health. It’s not the same for everyone, and I am curious what I will find to be true for me. Trying new foods is exciting. I wonder which activities feel good once I give them a chance? What wonderful new foods and activities will I discover that I love? I want to feel excited about healthy choices. I am excited about growing confident.
Which ones resonate for you? Which motivate you? What are some energy supporting thoughts that came up for you as you read these?
Changing our thoughts takes practice, because the thoughts we’ve been practicing are already in there and attracting more thoughts like the ones we’ve been practicing!
The first step to changing our thoughts into ones that motivate us is awareness!
Grow on!
What came up for you as you read the thought examples above?
What thoughts are you currently thinking that already motivate you toward your goals?
Which thoughts are holding you back?
How can you reframe those to support you in moving toward your goal?
What’s your Why?