Fear is a learned behavior, and one that humans practice ceaselessly. The more we practice fear, the more anxious, insecure, and fearful we feel. The more anxious, insecure, and fearful we feel, the more willing we are to buy whatever makes us feel safer, or more secure. The more anxious, insecure, and fearful we feel, the more willing we are to give up pieces of our freedom to feel safer, or more secure.
Can we ever be truly free when living in fear?
Feel free to disagree, but I don’t think so.
The good news is that fear is a learned behavior!
If we learned it, we can unlearn it. We learned fear through repetition of fear-filled, worrisome thoughts. We can learn faith, and feel more calm, through repetition of calming thoughts that build faith – not religious faith, but faith in yourself. Faith that no matter what else happens, at least you can control your own energy, your own response to circumstances.
Now, there is no blog post anywhere that will move you from fear to faith, because like fear, faith requires daily practice over time. That practice will take many different forms for different people, but one of the best ways I have observed is practicing affirmations.
Create or adopt positive statements you believe and repeat them frequently when it feels good to do so. If the affirmation does not feel good when you say it, it’s not the right affirmation for your situation.
Affirmations are a simple tool that help millions of people feel better.
Guidelines for selecting or creating affirmations that work:
It must feel true.
Keep it simple.
Repeat it frequently – as often as you remember it and it feels good.
Write it down and read it frequently. You may notice that I like to put my on pretty photos because the photos also help raise my vibe, but sticky notes around the house can be equally effective!
When you become aware that you are experiencing doubt, or fearful thoughts, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that nothing has gone wrong, your mind has simply reverted to the old practice and that’s to be expected! With more practice of positive-feeling affirmations, the fear and anxiety visit less and less frequently.
Freeing our minds from fear will take more than one tool, more than just affirmations. But affirmations feel good, they’re free, and it’s a really easy first step for lots of people.
Grow on!
What affirmation will help you move from where you are to where you would love to be?
Here is a short list of links to long lists of affirmations to get you started:
Prosperity & Abundance
Health & Wellness
Raise the Vibe
Inspired by Abraham
Inspired by Florence Scovel Shinn