Several times a day, I hear my partner ask our dog, “What do you need?” Each time telepathy relays the answer and a walk ensues, or lunch, or a rousing game of squeaky ball. I’m only human, so I started to feel a little resentful toward the dog, and wondered who was looking attentively after my needs.
Well whose job is that? (Hint: It’s not my partner’s, and when that’s what I think, I become resentful.)
After a little coaching, I remembered that it’s mine. It’s my job to be sure my needs are being met. So I started asking myself,
What do I need right now?
It’s incredible what a difference that little question makes! Not only are more of my needs being met, but I feel genuinely cared for and supported!
Crazy, right?
Eighty percent of the time the answer is water, so I hydrate. Often I just need a few minutes to catch my breath, so I allow myself to sit and breathe. Can you imagine?! When I need to catch my breath, I just sit and breathe for two minutes instead of feeling frustrated, and resentful that my needs are not being met, as I rush off to do whatever comes next.

It seems so simple, yet how often do we do it? How often are we checking in with what we need in this moment? The answer for most of us is not very often because our culture conditions us to think of that as being selfish, and regularly encourages us to put other’s needs before our own.
What we NEED shifts moment to moment and day to day, so it’s not going to be the same every time you ask/answer the question. And what we need is not always the same as what we want. We might want coffee to get us through the afternoon at work, but if we ask what we truly need and genuinely listen for the answer, we may find we need a twenty-minute nap, or a ten-minute walk outside, or a cup of herbal tea, or electrolytes.
What would it be like if we asked ourself this question once a day? Twice a day? All day long? What changes when we ask the question before reaching for a processed snack food? What will shift if we ask the question all week?
It’s possible we’ll feel more cared for and supported. It’s possible we’ll feel happier and more relaxed. We might even have more energy to give to the people and projects we’re passionate about. Truly tuning in to our body’s needs will reveal deeper wisdom that might be the key to finally reaching our ideal weight. We won’t know the vast extent of what’s possible until we try!
Grow on!
Ask yourself, “What do I need right now?”
If it’s something simple like rest, water, or a bathroom break, give that to yourself! If it’s something bigger like a new career, you can ask, “what steps do I need to take right now to move in that direction?”
Coaching can help!
I offer the first TWO coaching sessions free of charge so you can see if coaching is right for you, and also see if I’m the right coach for you! If we’re not a good match, I have a long list of peers to whom I can refer you. You’ll walk away with at least one action step to move you toward your goal, so you have nothing to lose! Book your first session HERE.