Someone in her 50s recently told me she was too old to begin a fitness program. To which I replied:

Oh HELL no!

You are exactly the right age to accomplish any damn thing you put my mind and energy into!

Here is just a short list of people who prove that age is not a limiting factor, unless the mind chooses to be limited by the belief that age is a limiting factor.

100-Year-Old Woman Sets World Track Record

100-year-old and 102-year-old runners break world records

103-year-old Dancer Eileen Kramer cast as 17-year-old Princess

Success Can Come at Any Age.

96-Year-Old Athlete Smashes Sprinting Records

Superstar athletes over 60

If you don’t try, how will you know what you’re capable of?

Do anything you choose to do, and take it in small achievable steps, that result in sustainable changes.

Categories: Mindset