Human beings want all kinds of different stuff, and that’s cool!  Desire draws life-giving Source energy into our lives. The desires my clients most often name are healthier bodies, heftier paychecks, happier relationships, & more habitual travel. 

But why do we want any of these things?

Because of the way they make us feel

The only reason we ever want anything is because of the way we expect to feel when we have it. So, let’s focus on that.

Imagine yourself in your ideal life. Imagine all of your dreams have come true.  You have the soul-mate, the amazing career, the water-view home, whatever it is you desire most. Imagine you are living that now.  FEEL it.  Feel the emotions  – whatever emotions you imagine you will feel in the moment you attain your highest goal.

Wow! Take a few minutes to marinate in those feelings.  Let them wash over you like an ocean wave crashing against the shore, and permeate every cell of your body! 

THAT is what we really want!  That feeling of contentment, joy, fulfillment, confidence, whatever emotion it is that you believe the peak experience you desire will allow you to feel.

QUICK!  Name those emotions and write them down.  

If you feel inspired, take a few minutes to journal about how you feel.

This is your true goal – not the house, or the job, or the lover, or the money. The way these things make you feel is what you are longing for.  And HERE’s the KICKER: the more time you spend steeped in the emotions you long for, the faster your dreams manifest!

This is also really helpful if you are feeling confused about a choice you are making. Ask yourself, “Will this choice allow me to feel…” whatever emotions you listed above. This is a quick way to gauge whether or not the choices you make are moving you toward your goals!

For me, it’s a sense of vitality, confidence, connection, and calm that I truly desire.

I was absolutely feeling relaxed, vital, connected and confident when my partner captured this image of me!

Moving forward in this blog, I will regularly add a self-exploration section aimed at growing your consciousness. Let me know how it inspires you, or which questions you find most helpful!

Grow on!

What is it you truly want?
What part of that answer surprises you?
What part resonates as truth?
What decisions does this information help you clarify?
How will you use this new information moving forward?