Are you moving toward a goal that you KNOW will make you happy when you reach it? That’s AWESOME!  Are you feeling happy about it NOW as you move toward it?

Some people will answer yes, and some will answer no. For the yes’s, they are almost guaranteed a happy outcome when they reach their goal, because they are happy before they reach their goal.

For the no’s, even if they are a hundred percent sure that goal is going to make them happy, their chances are much lower than their counterparts for actually reaching happiness.  Why?  Because the path to happiness is never miserable.  An unhappy journey cannot lead to happily-ever-after.  

Happiness is worth NOT waiting for!

We CAN, and do, get to happily-ever-after through challenges, hardships, and opportunities for growth, but those are not the same as unhappy.

It is never the challenge or the hardship that makes us unhappy, it’s our perspective.  There are people in the most challenging circumstances, or who come through the most traumatic situations, who are able to have cheerful dispositions and positive states of mind.  If we want to feel happy when we reach our goal, then we gotta find ways to feel happy on our journey toward that goal.

The best way to do that is to feel happy (or at least not miserable) about the steps you are taking in the creation of that goal. Another way to do that is to just look around for things that already make you happy.

Instead of just driving to work in the morning, look for flowers that are your favorite color, or trees backlit by the sun, or smiling faces walking by.  Whatever it is that already brings you joy or happiness, look for that. Let it be your intention to see the things that lift your spirit. Find ways to incorporate fun and laughter into your life. 

Allow small, simple pleasures to bring you happiness as often as possible!  Seriously – take your joy where you find it!


No grown woman should love Bitmojis as much as I do.  But I do!  I love the darn things!  Don’t know what a Bitmoji is?

Bitmoji has created a FUN way to express yourself in text messages, and I send them ALL THE TIME!  Every time I text my potato self to someone, I smile.

If you use text messages and you don’t have Bitmoji, I highly recommend it for the smiles of fun it adds to texting!

Find small things that make big smiles. 

Allow the Universe to surprise and delight you daily.  Being happy along the journey is the best way to assure a happy-ever-after destination!

Grow on!

What small pleasures do you allow to delight you?
Share them in the comments!  I would love to know.

A word on practicing happiness ~

I absolutely advocate practicing happiness daily!

But I do NOT mean that we’re not supposed to experience other emotions! ALL of our feelings are for feeling! Anger, sadness, grief, joy, ecstasy, frustration, hope, the full range of human emotions is our guidance system. We want to allow them, process them & move through them. If you need help with that, coaching can help. Schedule a little chat with me by clicking this link.