“I’m going to feel deprived!”  

That is one of the limiting beliefs that held me back for years from reaching my health goals.  I was convinced I would feel deprived if I didn’t eat pizza, or delicious baked goods and sugary treats.  For years I would say I wanted to eat healthier foods, but in my heart I didn’t WANT to lose my favorites!  The problem with some of those favorites is that once I started eating them I wouldn’t stop until they were gone.  If the supply was large enough, I would binge on the cookies or fudge or other yummy treats. 

But after a binge, I always felt deprived of my energy, and powerless. – like some other power possessed me and MADE me eat those cookies.

When health issues forced me to to abstain from certain foods altogether, I was sure I would feel deprived forever.  But once I stopped eating the foods to which I had been giving my power, an intriguing thing happened.  I didn’t feel deprived or hungry.  I felt satisfied, powerful, and more confident in my body.

I became more energized.  I am physically more energized because
I choose nourishing foods instead of depleting ones, but I am also more energized because I am not draining my energy wondering, “Why can’t I control myself? Why can’t I reach my health goals? What is wrong with me?”  Anyone familiar with this cycle knows how draining it can be.  It depletes one’s energy and erodes the confidence.

I have confidence that I can thrive on a lot less food than I used to eat. 
I have confidence that high-nutrition food can be delicious and satisfying.  I have confidence that I can make important changes in my health and well-being, and I am enthusiastic about feeling healthier and stronger!

I kept telling myself that if I made changes in my eating to improve my health I would feel deprived.  That belief held me back for a long time, but no more!

I’m going to feel energized!

Every time I choose to eat for optimal health, I feel energized and empowered.  Every time I choose to eat for optimal health, I am choosing unconditional love.  Every time I choose to eat for optimal health, I feel energized by my choice!

Grow on!

What’s keeping you from reaching your health goals? 
What do you believe about your health goals? 
Are those beliefs moving you toward your goals or keeping you from them? 
What will change for you when you shift limiting beliefs into inspiring beliefs? 
What is it you’re ready to change?