I’m Wishing You a Happy, Healthy, Energized New Year!

This is a time of year when people can get critical of themselves, their body, and their behaviors. We tend to focus on what needs improvement, and set intentions to shift 180˚ away from wherever we ‘went wrong.’ This all or nothing mindset is laced with negativity and undermines success!

If you want to make some changes to improve your health, I applaud you! And I want you to applaud yourself. A great first step in making positive changes is to take inventory of your success. When you take stock of what you’ve done well, you will understand that you are NOT starting from scratch! You are starting from experience.

Positive change does not happen through self-criticism. It happens through self-compassion.

When you create a list of changes that you want to love yourself into, do not list the OUTCOMES you desire. Instead: List the changes that create those outcomes. For example, don’t exclaim “I will lose 20 pounds!” It is far more effective to list the actions you can take toward the outcome you desire. In this case that list could look something like this:

  • I will move my body for a minimum of five minutes – most days of the week.
  • I will make a food plan, and shop for groceries.
  • I will cook more meals at home.
  • I will limit processed foods.
  • I will read labels to reduce my sugar intake.
  • I will be patient with myself as I create new habits.
  • I will recite healthy affirmations every day to remind myself of my intentions.

Every one of these actions is infinitely more doable than “I will lose 20 pounds.” AND they lead you to the goal you desire of releasing excess weight.

Grow on!

In what ways have you been successful this year?
What skills or tools helped you succeed?
How can you apply or adapt those skills or tools to other goals?
What healthy habits do you already have?
How can you use that habit to anchor a new healthy habit?
What actions can you begin taking today that will get you where you desire to be?
I’ve created some new health-inspiring affirmations at THIS LINK
Please download the ones that inspire you!