STOP trying to LOSE Weight

It’s no wonder so many people fail to lose weight.

Losing Weight is NOT Possible.

Losing something requires inattentiveness to it. When we’re not paying attention to our food and movement we usually lose health, but we GAIN weight.

We can absolutely release excess weight if we wish to do so, but we’re not going to LOSE it! We will not suddenly wake up and be surprised the weight is missing. “Where did those extra pounds go?! They just vanished. I’ve lost them somewhere!”

While losing something requires inattention, releasing excess weight takes GREAT attention to detail! Releasing weight requires us to pay attention to the healthy goals we’ve set, and take deliberate actions that lead away from inattention.

Making sustainable life changes requires attention! We have to switch OFF the autopilot and guide the journey manually making one course correction at a time.

We begin to pay close attention to the voice in our head, and course correct every time it sounds harsh and critical. We notice the emotional vibrations happening in our body, and begin to understand how those emotions drive our actions. And we begin to cultivate emotions that drive actions that deliberately lead us to our goals for better health!

If you have been trying to lose weight for awhile, and you feel like your journey keeps looping back to the beginning, I invite you to STOP trying to lose weight.

Get curious about why the excess weight is here at this time. Begin making a plan to release any excess weight. Then pay attention to every detail of your plan until it leads you right where you wish to be.

Grow on!

Why do you want to release weight?
How motivating is that reason for you?
If excess weight is a message from the Universe, what is it saying?
What do you need to let go of to reach your goal?
What is one action can you take today that leads you in that direction?

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