You’re so mean, 
When you talk 
About yourself, you were wrong.

Change the voices  
In your head 
Make them like you instead

P!nk ~ Fuckin’ Perfect

I truly appreciate these lyrics. If a rock goddess like P!nk can have mean voices in her head, it kinda normalizes it for the rest of us, doesn’t it?

Most people have voices in our heads saying not-so-nice things.  It’s crucial to change those voices because the Universe is our mirror.  What we believe about ourselves, is what the world will show us.
The voices in my head told me for years that I was ugly, fat, and stupid, and that nobody loved me.  Needless to say during those years, I didn’t feel a lot of love reflected back at me from the world.

Because the Universe is our mirror – reflecting to each of us that which we emanate – self love is key.  If we find it difficult to love ourselves, we won’t see a lot of love reflected to us in our world, and we tend to doubt those who express love and friendship to us.  If we cannot see ourselves as capable of achieving, or worthy of receiving close relationships, financial success, or desired body composition, then the Universe reflects that back to us.  It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.  We achieve what we believe we are capable of achieving.

The mean things we say often focus on our perceived imperfections. Common examples include but are in no way limited to:

  • My body is not perfect.
  • My relationship is not perfect.
  • My job is not perfect.
  • My education is not enough to change careers/get promoted.
  • I am not capable of earning more.
  • I am not worthy of being loved. 
  • Who could love me?

Release perfectionism by accepting that you’re already fucking perfect.

Crazy! Right?

But what if everything we identify as our own shortcoming or imperfection is actually PERFECT for us? 

What if each one is a gift, a golden opportunity to grow in some way that our soul wants us to grow?

What if every “imperfection” is an opportunity to learn that:

  • our true power doesn’t lie in creating a body we can love, but in loving and caring for the body we are in, despite what flaws we may perceive.
  • our true power doesn’t lie in attracting the right partner so we feel loved, but in loving ourselves so completely that every relationship allows us to feel loved and supported.
  • our true power doesn’t lie in earning enough money to be happy, but in being happy while earning money.

What if the ultimate power in the universe is gifting us an opportunity to show ourselves love and kindness?

What will change if we see our “imperfections” as perfect opportunities here at Life University?  What will change when we accept that we are perfect, just as we are, fabulous flaws and all?

Grow on!

  • How possible is it to accept perceived flaws or imperfections as an invitation for soul growth?
  • What lesson is your soul asking you to learn?
  • What will the voices in YOUR head say when you make them like you instead? Consider making a list and keeping it close by!

Helping clients gently shift from mean thoughts toward healing/supportive thoughts is what I do!

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, schedule a little chat with me at THIS LINK to see if I’m the right coach for you! You’ll walk away with at least one action step to move you toward whatever goal is important to you!