The Role of Spirit in Creating Perfect Health and Wellness is a recent episode of my favorite podcast, The Spiritual Sandbox with Jill Lebeau and Amit West, where they welcomed special guest Michelle Dwyer.

The topic was one of my favorites – alignment with Spirit, or Source Energy. The laughter alone, from this high vibe trio of brilliant women, would be enough for me to recommend the episode to lift your soul. Their joy is palpable through the entire episode! The episode also overflows with gems of wisdom, many of which felt like I was hearing them for the first time, despite my own familiarity with some.

The idea of gratitude infusion deeply resonated for me, and I jumped in with both feet! 

I also want to share that – even though I recently completed leading a group of clients in releasing negative self talk – some of my first thoughts were, “I should have already been doing this. How did I miss something so obvious? Why am I always doing something wrong?” And then I took a deep breath and infused the moment with gratitude!
I flowed appreciation to Jill and Amit for their wonderful, and much needed podcast. I flowed appreciation to Michelle for the reminder to flow gratitude into each and every moment, and for her beautiful description of cultivating a garden of self love! I flowed appreciation to myself for being open to receiving the reminder, and the willingness to put it into action.

Now each time I feel frustrated or irritated with something, I infuse it with gratitude, and it instantly feels better. I am trying to make a practice to infuse my actions, and my meals with love and appreciation, and when I forget, I infuse myself with gratitude for trying!

And gratitude infusion was just the tip of the topic! The podcast continued it’s perfection with exquisitely timed feedback that echoed the idea that “in every moment, in every breath, in every heartbeat, we are given the choice to begin again!” Fabulous!

In one short hour, they talked about scarcity and abundance, the healing magic of self-love, the importance of mindset, the power of self-expression, energetic root causes, elevating the ordinary to sacred, and so much more! They reminded us wholly how to reclaim our power, and concisely answered the question, “Why are we here?”

This incredible episode of the Magical Spiritual Sandbox podcast manifests instant alignment with the Universe, and also gives listeners the secret to constant alignment with the Universe, should they choose to wield it.

I simply can’t recommend this podcast, and specifically this episode enough. It lifts, enlightens, and transforms. I won’t guarantee a spiritual transformation, but it certainly is within the realm of possibilities. 

Grow on!

Listen to this episode at THIS LINK.