As I lay sleeping one morning, I dreamed that someone wrote this comment on my blog: Who the fuck are you? You think you have all the answers? (It went on, but as dreams will do, the edges went blurry.)
I woke with a start. Our subconscious mind speaks to us in dreams, and it was pretty clear that mine had questions. I went to my journal and wrote, “who the fuck are you?” After my morning coffee and meditations, I sat to consider the query, and answer my inner critic.
First of all, I don’t have all the answers!
I don’t have ANY fucking answers except for those that are right for me. I don’t write my blog, or coach my clients because I know what anyone else should do, cause I don’t have a fucking clue what’s right for anyone else. Answers are something each of us will find inside.
What I do have is a growing list of options that help me, and countless others, find some of the answers we are seeking. I say ‘we’ because I am walking this path with you, with my clients. We are all in this together and the more one of us grows, the more we all grow!
How do I know? My clients inspire me daily!
I have as many questions as answers, because I am human. Our common humanity means that what works for some of us might also work for you. But that’s something you will need to explore and discover for yourself.
The things I share in my blog include topics that frequently come up while coaching my clients, challenges I am growing through myself, and some of the tools and resources available that have a track record of helping people uncover answers within themselves.
Here are some of the things I have discovered on my journey so far:
Human beings are energy systems.
Energy attracts like energy.
The energy we radiate is the energy the world reflects back to us.
We are all seeking connection.
We thrive when we are connected to Source and to each other.
There are many practices that help connect us to Source.
All experiences are opportunities for growth.
Each person we meet is our teacher and our student.
Words have power, so wield them with all the wisdom at your disposal.
Everyone’s journey is as unique and as valuable as every other journey.
Life offers neither problems nor challenges, only opportunities.
Helping people discover Truth empowers them.
Helping people remember their power empowers me.
My purpose in life is to uplift the human spirit.
Treat YOURSELF as you wish to be treated!
Radical self-acceptance is key!
Powerful people empower others.
How much of this resonates for you?
These are not answers. They are simply truths I have found helpful in guiding me to my own answers. If you want to read more along these lines, you can subscribe to my blog here.
So, who the fuck am I?
Well, I’m a huge fan of Esther Hicks and her work with Abraham. I have spent a decade trying to figure out how to incorporate their teachings into my life. I used to be terrified. I thought life was happening to me, and desperately wanted to be the creator of my own experience, the way Esther-Abraham told me I could be.
I’ve survived alcoholism, and food addiction. With the help of some really wonderful therapists, I lifted myself from depression. I am addicted to joy, and seek pleasure everywhere. I’m human and have made a LOT of poor choices, but I managed to learn from them, which means they were not mistakes but lessons. I’ve grown. I’ve hurt people. I’ve acted against my own best interest sometimes. I have absolutely argued for my own limitations.
I feel like I am happy and helpful most of the time.
I’m an entrepreneur, and the mother of two wonderful humans. I’m an award-winning massage therapist. I’m a landscape photographer. I’m a poet, and a dancer, and a recovering perfectionist. I’m an empowerment coach passionate about helping women remember who they are, and tap into their true power.
“Helping women remember who they are…”
At this point in my writing, I stopped cold and LAUGHED out loud. That mouth-open, head-back kind of laugh that boils up from my belly and embarrasses my ex-husband.
My subconscious was simply asking me what I ask my clients ALL the time. “Who ARE you?”
And I answered in much the same way that my clients always do.
I began with a list of ‘how’ I am and ‘what’ I am. NONE of this is my ‘who.’ Underneath all of WHAT we each are, and HOW we each are, we are all the same Divine Who.
Truth Bomb
I am Source energy. I am infinite intelligence embodied. I am wisdom. I am faith. I am confidence. I am vitality. I am connection. I am Nature. I am Goddess/God made flesh. I am Divine. I am.
And so are You!
We are all One. We are all Source. All of us are One energy at our core.
What does this mean?
Well, for one thing it means that when we are carrying heavy, negative emotions, we can release those. They don’t belong to our natural vibration. That is not ‘who’ we are, so we do not have to hang onto those feelings. Self-doubt, anxiety, worry and fear can be released. The reason they feel heavy, is because they do NOT resonate (match) with our core energy – the energy of Source (God/Goddess). The reason these heavy emotions exist is to be our rumble strip on the road of life.
When we own our truth we KNOW without doubt that we are Source, we are wisdom, we are love. And we feel GOOD. It resonates, it vibrates in harmony with the vibration at our core. Heavy feeling emotions do not vibrate in harmony with our core energy. They create discord within us. When we feel that discord, it’s simply a gentle reminder that we are moving away from the direction we want to be moving – just like the rumble strip on the highway when we stray too far from the center line.
Humans want to feel GOOD. We want to stick to the center line of love, light, infinite wisdom, and the TRUTH of Who we are. When we focus on the truth of Who we are, the Universe brings us MORE into alignment with faith, confidence, vitality and all the other aspects of our true nature.
Who the fuck am I? I am you. You are me.
We are God/Goddess energy here to expand our awareness and grow.
We are Divine energy in human form.
Positively Divine! That’s who I am. That’s who you are, too.
Grow on!
Who are you?
How much of the Source energy at your core are you allowing to flow?
How many heavy-feeling emotions are you experiencing frequently?
What will it take for you to set them down?
How much did this article resonate with you?
I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments!
If this article resonated for you, please consider subscribing to my blog! Subscription is FREE and includes hundreds of ideas to energize your life and step into thriving.
1 Comment
Linda L Brokaw · July 17, 2020 at 8:10 am
I am home. I am accountable. I am touch. I am curious. I am a hug and a warm embrace. I am in need. I give. I can accept.
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