Even on Shitty Days
Nothing ever goes wrong. All goes according to Divine plan. I trust the Universe to have my back, which means I can relax, and right now relaxation is exactly what I need.
Nothing ever goes wrong. All goes according to Divine plan. I trust the Universe to have my back, which means I can relax, and right now relaxation is exactly what I need.
Let go of people who tear you down and diminish your light, or make you doubt your own magic. Follow your inner light. Ascend into your own magic without feeling responsible for bringing everyone else along with you.
Death is a paradox. For those who pass, death is freeing, expansive, exhilarating, and joyful. Those left grieving may feel sadder, and heavier than at any time in our lives. Grief is the place, perhaps, where we most keenly feel separation.
If we are not making space in our schedule to recharge, or have no idea where to go to plug in, is it any wonder we feel drained, exhausted, and overwhelmed?
Hello EVERYONE!! I’m sending this blog post out to ALL of my email lists – family & friends, massage, photography, and coaching clients – to announce my graduation from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating! I’m thrilled and excited Read more…
Inspiring poem from Jeff Foster describes beautifully the consciousness to which I aspire, and that I wish for all living beings.
If you can’t imagine letting go of your daily habit of sweetness, you are not alone! Am I saying we should not eat sugar? No. Sugar is delicious and pleasurable,
What is the secret to happiness? Money? Love? Health? Family? While it’s possible for all of these to enhance happiness, it is also possible to have all of these in abundance and remain unhappy. So if all that good stuff Read more…
Mind Body Eating Coaching helps people who struggle with weight, body image, low-energy, digestive issues, or compulsive eating behaviors like stress eating, overeating, and binge eating.
I want us to learn to savor every blessing, every success, every step achieved toward our goal, every tiny triumph with the same single-minded focus that we use to worry!