Maintaining My HIGH Vibe!

I encourage clients to do whatever the fuck they need to do to raise their vibration, and keep it high as frequently as possible.

Cyndi’s Fabulous Fucking Toy Box is overflowing with resources that inspire the crap outta me & my clients so we can energize our lives & thrive. These are just a few ideas, and I highly encourage everyone to identify the people, places, and activities that infuse their life with joy and leave them feeling energized and eager for life!

Walking my Talk

Because I practice what I preach, I am spending this weekend in McKinleyville at the beach. When it comes to things that raise MY vibe, nature is numero uno. ‘Beach’ happens to be my favorite category of nature, so I try to incorporate it into my life as often as possible.

Something else that maintains my vibe is spending time with my daughter and grandson, so they’ve come to the beach with me!

You’re worth it!

Go to the beach. Rent a house with a water view. Go for a hike in the Redwoods. Spend time with the people you love. Write a poem. Sing a song. Enjoy a sunset. Paint the sunrise. Spend your time and money doing things that charge your fucking batteries.

We are infinite beings with eternal lives. WHY did we choose to come here, if not to enjoy our time on this beautiful planet?

Grow on!

What truly brings your heart joy?
What’s keeping you from doing that?
When can you schedule an opportunity to allow some joy?

Give Thanks for Miracles!

Life is a series of millions of tiny miracles.

Don’t just notice them. Appreciate the fuck out of them!

Appreciation is the HIGHEST vibe available to humans. Love and appreciation are the same. We are here on this planet to allow love to flow through us and into our world!

I know that life on earth is a mixed bag. It’s super easy to focus on challenges and obstacles – they arise to shift our focus. But often we become SO focussed on the challenge, that we don’t even notice miracles, let alone appreciate them. 

I invite you to let the love flow, for no other reason than it feels fucking amazing! When you feel yourself contract in fear (worry, guilt, regret, resentment, etc…), take a deep grounding breath and allow yourself to expand into love.


Infuse appreciation into every miracle around.

Now, if we have been focused on fear for awhile, we may not even recognize the miracles. If this is where you find yourself, don’t panic. You are not alone in this by any score, and nothing has gone wrong! We are culturally conditioned to look for what is going wrong or might go wrong, threats to our lives, finances, and health, and circumstances outside of our control.

It is my honor, and great pleasure, to help people refocus on ALL we have to appreciate in our lives! Recognizing everyday miracles, and flowing love & appreciation to them serves our health, uplifts our mood, and connects us to infinite wisdom.

I present an incomplete list of miracles to which we can flow love and appreciation.

  • sunshine
  • rain
  • clouds
  • oxygen
  • flowers
  • gardens
  • trees
  • birds
  • butterflies
  • rainbows
  • food (other stuff exists that provides nutrients we require to survive!)
  • dogs
  • cats
  • babies
  • running hot water
  • internet and the level of connectivity it provides
  • grocery delivery! (Imagine what pioneers on the prairie would MAKE of that!)
  • true friends
  • imagination!
  • challenges & obstacles – It is common to curse obstacles, and cast the self as victim when challenges arise. If we shift our point of view and ask what Love is teaching with this challenge, the way through becomes clear. The challenge is ALWAYS a gift, even when we cannot see the value.
  • legs that carry us through life
  • eyes to see the beauty in the world
  • arms to hold the ones we love
  • intestines that digest everything, even when we eat unconsciously.
  • an immune system that protects our lives from unseeable organisms
  • tastebuds!
  • lungs that inhale and exhale
  • blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients
  • organs that serve our survival without us even understanding what they do!
  • a heart that beats without us having to think about it, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every week of every year of our life!
  • eardrums!
  • our ability to smell pine, and cloves, and roses, and puppy breath
  • Self! – the sum total of billions of living cells that compose the flesh, and life that are you, is nothing short of a miracle!

There is NOTHING more important to which we flow our love and appreciation than self.  Self-love is the key to transforming anything we wish to change. And if there is nothing we wish to change, flowing love and appreciation to self will enhance the perfection we are enjoying!

If we see nothing to appreciate, it is only because we have not cultivated an appreciation of the miracles that surround us. We have been conditioned to take miracles for granted. 

We can absolutely condition ourselves to see them everywhere.
We invite MORE miracles by focusing on miracles!

Grow on!

I invite us to bask in the sunlight of our own miraculous being.
I invite us to look for miracles, NAME them, and infuse them with appreciation and love. Start with the ones I list above. More and more miracles will become obvious.
Practice looking at challenges as a miracle designed by our soul to provide an amazing gift, and deeper understanding of love.

Enjoy previous blog posts on appreciation and gratitude:
Count Your Fucking Blessings
Gratitude Infusion
Deep Gratitude for 2021

High in San Francisco

I write my blog about topics that lift my vibe, help me grow, or inspire me in some way. Last week I had the absolute pleasure of encountering Salesforce Park in San Francisco for the first time.

I was expecting – I don’t know – a bunch of gorgeous potted plants on a rooftop. Nothing could be further from the reality of what greeted us when we stepped off the elevator on the fifth floor of Salesforce Tower. The image above is from the park’s webpage.

The park spans 5 city blocks, suspended five floors above the streets of downtown San Francisco, and surrounded by the towers of glass and steel that punctuate our beautiful city. 

The spectacular public space includes a fountain that is triggered by buses in the transit center below, an amphitheater, children’s playground, paved walking trail that circles the entire five and a half acre park, and thirteen mini botanical gardens labeled with interpretive signs.

I’m just going to let my photos speak for me this week, so enjoy this little taste of Salesforce Park.

If you are planning to visit San Francisco, I highly recommend the Salesforce park! The park is open 6am to 8pm daily, and you can CLICK HERE for complete details.

The Secret to Happiness

What is the secret to happiness?  Money?  Love?  Health?  Family?

While it’s possible for all of these to enhance happiness, it is also possible to have all of these in abundance and remain unhappy.

So if all that good stuff doesn’t guarantee happiness, what the heck can we do?!

Read my full blog post HERE on Sivana East!

The secret to a happy life is simple:
Relax. Recharge. Reframe. Repeat.

Just because something is simple does not mean it’s always easy.  If you need support figuring out any of these steps, sometimes coaching can help.  If you are considering hiring an energy coach, or a mind body eating coach, use this link to schedule a 30 minute chat.